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“Very good technique, at times a virtuoso performance, demonstrated by this experienced and much travelled clarinettist…”


The Little Harlequin, K Stockhausen: “ In this performance the clarinettist tapped out rhythmic counterpoints with his feet, danced, performed comic gestures, explored the full extent of the stage, managing to reach almost all postures and places both on and off stage… with this work Martínez Abad demonstrated his powers of interpretation along with the required flexibility and fluidity… I do not see many musicians performing this piece… During the performance the children present danced and laughed, showing just how to interest the younger generation in music and introduce them to styles that are certainly complex for their age.”


“Clarinets and Harlequins”. 21-5-2010 Miguel Angel Barba, “Mi yo espectador”

“I didn’t want to miss the following day’s concert for several reasons, among others to discover what the compositions of these artists from Suono dal Niente sound like; and to listen to the performance of the extraordinary clarinettist Santiago Martínez Abad”.


“Santiago is a performer who is totally committed to contemporary music and proof of this is the number of premieres that he has performed this year… Santiago Abad took on six very dense works, alone on the stage at the MIMMA, creating a feeling of admiration that all of us in the audience were able to transmit to him.”


“The works of Messiaen Abîme, Des Oiseaux and the Little Harlequin by Stockhausen are two references in the music of the XX century and, in the performance of Santiago Martínez Abad, they found the perfect channel to envelop the air particles that we, the audience, were breathing.”


“Clarinets and Harlequins” 29-7-2010 Pedro Barrientos, “Mi yo espectador”

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